If you are unsure whether or not you are a sex and/or love addict, please take the " S elf-Assessment ," and click "submit" when have have answered all the questions. To learn about China Intergroup Meetings, please go to the "S.L.A.A.
Special care and protection of the anonymity of members is a fundamental principle of S.L.A.A.
Sex and love addicts anonymous meetings near me free#
groups in China provide a welcome to anyone that wishes to receive help breaking free from a pattern of sex and love addiction. Members realize that left without any help or willingness to recover, loss of job and income, diseases, divorce, humiliation, damage to self, family and friends are just some of the possible consequences. At S.L.A.A., we believe that if we follow a program which has proven successful for a great number of members around the world, we can get our life back on track and live a healthy, happy life. The consequences affect many aspects of a member’s life including career, family, and sense of self-respect. Sex addiction and love addiction, if left, always get worse. members have in common is the realization and/or actual suffering linked to consequences of an obsessive and/or compulsive pattern with sex and/or love. While sex and love addiction patterns can vary from individual to individual, what S.L.A.A. Sex and love addiction may take several forms including but not limited to a compulsive need for sex or forms of sexual activity, an obsessive or extreme attachment to one or many persons whether emotionally or sexually, or a chronic preoccupation with romance, intrigue, or fantasy. welcomes people of any age, sex or sexual preference to its meetings. is a desire to stop living a pattern of sex and love addiction. The only requirement for anyone who wishes to join S.L.A.A. The program is based on the principles of the twelve steps and twelve traditions, a model pioneered by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous or S.L.A.A., is a program of recovery from sex and/or love addiction (Links to SLAA's homepage). SLAA is China is ACTIVE and we check this website and the associated email REGULARLY!
We are autonomous except in matters affecting other groups or SLAA as a whole.Welcome to the China Intergroup website for Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous. This website is not the official SLAA Fellowship-Wide Services (FWS) website. Please note the Greater Chicago SLAA Intergroup does not speak for all of SLAA. Coordinating participation in regional and national business meeting, selecting local delegates and underwriting their participation in local and national business meetings.Planning and facilitating local SLAA sponsored events.Coordinating outreach activities provided to the public by managing the SLAA voice mail system, maintaining the post office box, and responding to media and other public information requests.Facilitating the exchange of information between local groups and fellowship-wide services.Providing a regular forum for communication among SLAA groups.Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous (SLAA) is a Twelve Step, Twelve Tradition oriented recovery fellowship. The Greater Chicago SLAA Intergroup exists to support Chicago-area SLAA groups in carrying out the fifth tradition of SLAA – to carry the SLAA message to the sex and love addict who still suffers.